' Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job - Make extra money part time

Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job
Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job

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Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job

Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job is that it doesn't have to take over your life. A couple of evening shifts here or there leaves you plenty of time to do the things you want to do. Part time jobs frequently involve work where you can earn more than your basic hourly wage. Part time jobs such as bar work, waitering etc in general pay a pretty standard rate. Take into account tips and bonuses (and maybe food and drink whilst on or after your shift) and all of sudden the pay becomes pretty good! This is something you want to look into before taking any job though.. Part-timers have the same legal rights as full-timers nowadays. This means that no employer can discriminate against you for only working a few hours a week. Check in the job description for entitlements such as holiday pay, sick pay, bonuses and other perks. Never underestimate the savings you are going to make by taking a part time job! This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. They say £50 a week is not going to be enough for the way I want to live! If you're getting £50 a week for doing 2 evening shifts in a pub/bar, this is 2 evenings that you can't go out and spend any money. So not only are you earning extra cash, you're also saving money by not being able to spend any. Economists call it "opportunity cost". Ok, whatever! Working over the holidays means you have less time for holidays - part time jobs may take a few hours during your term, but at least you'll have the whole holidays to do what you want to do.
Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job Earn money working from home part time Part Time Job Benefits: One of the greatest things about a part time job